Histology is a branch of biology which studies the microscopic anatomy and structures of tissues and cells.
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Histology at the service of research
Integrated process from fixation to staining
For pre-clinical models :
- Customised anatomopathological analysis: scoring, standard and specific staining.
- Written report in English
We develop with our customers the evaluation of their pre-clinical protocols :
- Selection of stains types
- Integrated process from fixation to staining
- Revision of literature and scoring validation
- Blinded or unblinded readings
- Detailed and illustrated reports in English
- End-of-project videoconference
Standards stains
Special stains
Standards stains
Hematoxylin-eosin (photo on the side)
- Hematoxylin-phloxin saffron
Special stains
Periodic Acid Schiff stain detects microorganisms (fungal elements) and intracellular glycogen overload.
- Gomori-Grocott stain detects fungal elements (cell walls and hyphae, colored in black or dark brown)
- Toluidine blue stain detects the metachromatic granulations of mast cells
- Congo Red stain the presence of amyloid deposits
- Gram stain distinguishes between Gram + and Gram – bacteria
- Masson’s Trichrome stain detects collagen fibres (coloured in green)
- Perl’s staining (also known as Perl’s Prussian blu stain) detects iron deposits
- Warthin Starry stain types, such as Helicobacter and Leptospira.
- Luxol-fast-blue stain detects myelin.
Canine/Feline markers available
Carcinoma | Epithelial cells | Pan Cytokeratin Antibody |
Glioma | Astrocytes | GFAP |
Glioma | Olygodendrocytes | Olig 2 |
Hémangiosarcoma | Endothelial cells | CD31 |
Lymphoma | T Lymphocytes | CD3 |
Lymphoma | B Lymphocytes | CD20 |
Mast cell tumor, GIST | Mast cells, Cajal's cells | C-kit |
Mast cells tumor, Lymphoma, Melanoma | Proliferation index | Ki67 |
Melanoma, Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor | Neural crest cells | PS-100 |
Melanoma | Melanocytes | Melan-A |
Neuroendocrine tumor | Neuroendocrine cells | Chromogranin A |
Neuroendocrine tumor | Neuroendocrine cells | Synaptophysin |
Plasma cell tumor | Plasma cells | Mum-1 |
Histiocytic Sarcoma | Histiocytes | CMH II |
Sarcoma | Mesenchymal cells | Vimentin |
Soft tissue sarcoma | Smooth muscle cells | Smooth Muscle Antibody (SMA) |
Soft tissue sarcoma | Muscle cells | Desmin |